A加未来 > 考试局 > OCR考试局 > A-level商科OCR考试局教学大纲


 时间:2020-06-18 17:53       来源:A加未来国际教育

section 1 Microeconomics

Part 1 How competitive markets work

Chapter l the economic problem and opportunky co$t

Ghapce 2 the allocahon ofresources* speciaiisation and trade

Part2 The rote of markets

Chapter 3 Demand

Chapter 4 Supply

Chapter 3 The inreraaion ofnurfcers

Chapter 6 Rlasctcity

Chapter 7 Prices, resource albcacion and concept of che margin

Chapter 8 Market failure and externalities

Chapter 9 Market failure: information failure and public goods

Chapter 10 Government inten^ntion and gcntemmenc failure

Parts 3 Business objectives

Chapter 11 Costs,economies of scale,revenue and profit

Chapter 12 Objective of business

Part 4 market structures

Gupcer 13 Market structure: perfect competition

Chapter 14 Market structure: monopoly

Chapcer 15 Monopoltscic competition, digopoly and contestable markets

Part 5 The labour market

Ctupcer 16 The demand for labour

Chapter 17 The supply of labour

Chapter 18 The interaction of labour markets

Section 2 Macroeconomics

Part 6 Aggregate demandsnd aggregate supply

Chapter 19 The circular flow of income and aggregate demand

Chapter 20 Aggregate supply and the interaction of Aggregate demand and supply

Chapter 21 The multiplier and the accelerator

Part 7 Economic policy objectives

Chapter 22 Economic growth

Chapter 23 Development

Chapcer24 Employmctu

Chapwr 25 Inflation

Ctupcer 26 The balance of payments

Ctupcer 27 Exchange rates

Chapter 28 Trends in macroeconomic indicators

Chapter 29 income distributiem and welfare

Part8 Implementing policy

Chapter 30 Fiscal policy

Chapter 31 Monetary policy

Chapter 32 Supply-side polic)

Chapter 33 The Phillips curve and policy cooflicts

Part 9 The gtobsl context

Chapter 34 Internatioml trade

Chafer 35 Globalisation

Chapter 36 Trade policies and negotiacions

Part 10 Tht financial sector

Chapter 37 Money and interest rates

Chapter 38 The financial sector

Chaprer 39 The central bank and financial regulation






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